85 Years Ago

85 Years Ago

About 85 years ago I received a check in the mail, in the amount of $2.00. That was about 1939 and $2.00 was worth something. It was from The Daily News a New York City newspaper, I was about 10 years old. The News had a weekly column called “EMBARRASSING MOMENTS” It said, tell us about an embarrassing moment, and you can win $2.00. I didn’t know or care much about money. It was a challenge. All I know, I submitted a story, which had to be handwritten because we did not have a typewriter. I can’t remember what I wrote, but it had to be embarrassing.

What I do know, that reward was an awakening: I liked to write, make up stories, was good in grammar, punctuation, but was a little girl. WWll came along and interfered with life. Also, it was a time in our history when men and boys seemed more important. Boys coming home from serving in our military were encouraged to go back to school, become doctors, lawyers, teachers, . . . girls, stay home and raise families.

I would always collect articles, write little stories, paragraphs, notes. Paper, stationery, was my favorite collection. Till this day at 95, a pen and paper are part of my wardrobe. 1985, I created a program for industry, teaching employees how to be more professional, published by the famous McGraw Hill publishing giant & used by many Fortune 500 companies. It then became a self help computer program called” PITO”.

PROFESSIONALISM IN THE OFFICE. Covid entered our lives and the world changed. 2021, at age 92, I wrote and was again published with a personal memoir. A story I lived with for 50 years, “DID YOU REALLY” available on Amazon. So I guess writing was and is still my passion. That $2.00 check 85 years ago couldn’t know the impact it would have on a 10 year old little girl. AND HERE COMES . . . . . . . . . . . . elderlovelies.blog . . . . . .at 95!

I hope to see YOU there.

your friend,


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