She had an appointment scheduled with a new dentist. Funny she thought looking at the name on the card. I wonder if that’s the same Lenny Smith I went to school with? Remembering how cute he was and that she had a bit of a crush on him way back then.
Picturing how he must look now, she could hardly wait to get to her appointment. No, now looking at this fat, balding, pot bellied man just couldn’t be the cute Lenny Smith she once knew?

But she thought she would ask him anyway. Where did he go to school? Surprised, looking at this short fat not so cute looking guy, she said, “Why, we were in school together”.
And he said while looking her up and down, “Oh really, and what did you teach”?
I know we all heard this story before, but right now is a good time for a laugh.
your friend,
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