Birthdays are always special,
Celebrating them is even more special
I remember when I turned 40. My kids always enjoying teasing me, put a huge piece of brown wrapping paper, the size covering the front refrigerator door, and with a thick black magic marker drew a giant hill. Putting the large number 40 on the very top and drawing a little character ( supposed to be me) hanging on the down side of the curve.
To them, I was beginning my journey toward OLD age. Of course I played along pretending to be hurt. “Oh how could you do this to me”? Yes, we ended up laughing, they thinking how funny it was to insult me. Me enjoying how clever that was.

And here I am celebrating my 95th. We still remember that and laugh again. To me laughter has always been the best medicine.
For my 95th, I gathered all my courage and convinced the kids, I can travel alone, and I did, from the little town of Indio in Southern California on a big blue Greyhound bus to Union station, Los Angeles.
Then I said, “Picture this;”an elderly lady (ME) wearing hearing aids, thick glasses walking slowly leaning on a cane. Thinking I would hear, Oh Mom you will be OKAY!
Oh no, I heard “ All you need is a monkey, seconded by No you need an accordion.
Your friend,
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