85 Years Ago
About 85 years ago I received a check in the mail, in the amount of $2.00. That was about 1939 and $2.00 was worth something.…
Pickelball Extravaganza
I’VE BEEN WANTING TO TELL YOU. . . . . . . . PICKLEBALL. . . . . .PICKLEBALL! What is pickleball? It is a…
The Turquoise Choker
It was Valentine’s day, also Ed’s birthday. A very special day. Anticipating an evening of celebration and love, I quickly left work winding my way…
My Favorite Brown Skirt
It’s a holiday, so I will dress a little nicer then the usual jogging pants andlong sleeve tee. I retrieve one of my favorite skirts…
Did You Really?
REALLY ! This is hard to believe, to say, sometimes even hard to accept. HOW DID I GET HERE? There were sweet, happy, sad times,…
Diary of a Kitty Kat 🐈⬛
Let me introduce myself. My name as I hear it, is Kitty Girl’,sometimes called ‘Kitty Face’ and once in a while, just plain ‘Kitty’.I was…