Let me introduce myself. My name as I hear it, is Kitty Girl’,
sometimes called ‘Kitty Face’ and once in a while, just plain ‘Kitty’.
I was adopted about 8 years ago, so not too sure how old I am.
My demeanor and look is totally black and sleek with piercing yellow
green eyes. Told many times what a beautiful face I have, that I am
so mellow and sweet.
I have a twin sister, identical, except she has a tiny teeny wisp
of white on her chest. There is another difference, my coat is very
smooth and appears flat, hers seems to be a little more fluffy and
softer. That’s not the only difference, we definitely have separate
personalities, me being the calmer one and we think my sister is
ADHD, is why she is sometimes called ‘CooCoo Kitty’.
It’s understandable, since she never seems to land, shaking her tail and
moving all the time. That’s not usual in our DNA.
Our Mother died at childbirth, so we are not sure about our
early years, and had to survive on our own. We were abandoned, but
there are no signs of abuse. We lived with five other cats, so maybe
we were just ignored. Because of all this, we definitely are skittish,
’cause the world is a scary place, and for self protection, we do tend
to hide a lot.

We were ‘fixed’ when we were younger, so we missed our
reproductive years, and that’s OKAY. We are both so happy to have
someone that cares, feeds, is kind and loves us.
I can’t remember ever being in the street, so I am quite happy
resting on my special perch looking through the window at all the
goings on. Cars and trucks driving by, people walking those noisy,
hairy four legged animals. Wow, they are all so different, some small
and cute, some fat and walking funny, maybe waddling, some tall
and sleek constantly running, always stopping to lift their back leg.
There is so much to see all day long in between my leisurely naps. I
have a few different lookout sites, so lucky me, I don’t miss very
My owner, that’s a bad word, you can never own a cat, let’s just
say my caregiver, caretaker, no we’ll just call her DF, is so loving. She
talks to us constantly. I try so hard to say something and tell her I
love her too, but the words just don’t come out. So I just lie there and

Did I tell you, our given names were Oprah and Gayle? From
day one, DF never used them, we just became ‘Kitty Love’
Well, thank you for listening and letting me introduce myself. I
thought this was a good time to come out of the closet.
Purrfectly yours,
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