I Called It Halloweeny ๐ŸŽƒ

I Called It Halloweeny ๐ŸŽƒ

According to Webster, the evening of October 31st celebrated by
children as a merry making festival. When my kids were young,
dress-up was whatever you could find and put together from the
closet. Old, torn, mismatched , ugly. Do funny make up and scary
masks. What excitement!

You werenโ€™t afraid to let them roam the neighborhood, annoyingly
ringing doorbells. Feeling rewarded when given candy. They would
open their paper bags and the gift was tossed in.

I was lucky to be invited to come along. Of course I did. Dressing up
in old uglies and hanging a giant onion around my neck, just to
make them laugh. Imagine having your mom go trick or treating with
all the kids. How sweet โ€ o be included as one of the bunch, not a baby

You didnโ€™t break the bank dressing up. Encouraged the kids toโ€ use
your imaginationโ€. Just have fun, which they did. Then coming home
sharing the things that happened or said along their travels.
No one even noticed the tall kid with the big onion hanging around
the neck. Fast forward, visiting with my sweet young great grands,
Liam 6, Lily touching 4. Such fun playing with colorful slimy clay. The sound of their laughter was like beautiful music.

You canโ€™t make that up, you just join and tuck it into your memory bank to enjoy forever.

In the old days, when you received a package, it was usually stuffed with tiny white pieces of soft plastic oval shaped used to cushion the contents of the package. My husband Ed had a private prank. He would put those white little crescents in his eyes, open the door to the trick or treaters. The kids would look up thinking should I talk to him or they just ran away screaming. Yes, Halloweeny was a lot of fun.

My Dad coming from England, would tell us about GUY FAWKES DAY, NOVEMBER 5 TH A HOLIDAY also called Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night, celebrated every year, like our HALLOWEEN. Interesting story to look up.

your friend,


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